CRB Theresa Rachel V. Azucena, a certified real estate practicing broker specializing in project development selling. Prior to her journey, she spent more than a decade in private corporations such as accounting firms, telecommunications, and banking, to name a few. With her experiences in the corporate setup, she decided to join the pool of their family corporation in 2011 and became thereafter the Vice-President for Admin and Finance of Enrivel Construction Corporation – a company that caters to government projects.
She is a firm believer in good work ethics. A woman with strong dedication, commitment, and resilience in any given situation. To awaken her real estate knowledge, she worked as a real estate agent at Stateland Investment Corporation and was part of the selling team. She learned so much in this real estate company especially in investing in real estate, doing investment analysis, and computation of pricing for property developments.
She took the Broker’s Board Exam and passed in 2016. Currently, she is the lead broker of PHILREP Realty Corporation.
Indeed she believes in the saying that the best investment on Earth is the earth itself.