By: CRB Norie G. Datar
The unprecedented magnitude of the tragic brought by the global outbreak of COVID-19 and as the world continues to battle the war against this virus, by force of nature slowly changed the way people live and think, driving us to adapt a new life model, attuned to the changing environment. People are learning to adapt a “flux mindset”, exuding the power of resilience, moving into a new direction, a new roadmap to bridge the situation now and then.
How do we moved-on with the changing times? As we navigate the world of real estate and recognizing the industry as one of the major economic drivers in the Philippine economy and the real estate service practitioners’ key role, it is of paramount importance to look at the aspects in the practice that have directly impacted by the pandemic that leaves us no better option but to stay relevant to the new environment.
With all rationality, I am looking at the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program, as one aspect. It is crucial at this point in time that we maintain a strong working knowledge with reasonable proficiency. It is now time to re-evaluate the kind of knowledge and the kind of learning materials we need to possess. We need to provide fresh knowledge, most relevant at this time and shelved those recycled lecture materials. We need to re-establish an acceptable and doable standards of learning to further strengthen the future of our profession. We need to shift trajectory and infuse subjects that are apt with the changing times.
Another aspect that we should be looking at, is the proliferation of unlicensed practitioners. We have aired so much of our sentiments at the various social media platforms, now it is time to zero-in and act constructively on how we should be dealing the issue, not discounting human consideration, as we all need to survive. While waiting for the rebirth of AIPO, we can do our part to address this most defining issue of our time. Let us create a venue to collaborate and deliberate professionally, in order to come-up with an effective ways to institutionalize our practice.
As people look at the future of the industry as bleak, clouded by fear and uncertainty, it is therefore, high-time to recalculate, find new territories, and break new grounds, to see lights and brightness.
Should we be ruled by fear and uncertainty?
Just my two cents.
REBAP Global City
About the author
CRB Norie G. Datar, MPA, DTM, REA, REB, EnP., is one of the 2020 REBAP Global City Chapter Advisers. She was 2015 and 2016 REBAP Chapter President for Global City, 2018 REBAP National Board of Trustees and 2019 REBAP National Secretary General.